Candy is not a major enemy of the teeth

Tooth Decay is one of the dental health problems are most common. Although many children suffered, but the cavities can be suffered by anyone of the various age categories. What are the factors causing the problem of cavities?
The worst enemies of the teeth are foods that contain sugar and starch, such as carbohydrates. Bacteria in the mouth will change some sugar and carbohydrates we eat into acid. Acid bacteria and the formation of a sticky deposit called dental plaque, attached to the tooth surface.

Salt for Dental Benefits
Salt was not only useful as a flavoring. Tiny white granules can also be used for the eyes and teeth (Dental Benefits). But of course in a number of appropriate and reasonable limits.

1. Drugs Mouthwash.
Warm water that has been spiked with a pinch of salt is an effective dessert. Likewise, when exposed to strep throat. Enter a little salt in hot water, stir gently and use as a mouthwash.

2. Teeth Whitening.
Teeth that look dull going back brilliantly by sprinkling dry salt to the end of the feathers brush your teeth while brushing your teeth will be.

Powerful Ways to Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is a routine activity in childhood, so many of us think this is not a problem. You just simply insert a toothbrush that is added to toothpaste in the mouth, and then rubbed it for a while. In just a moment, this cleansing ritual was completed. But experts have another view on the correct way of brushing teeth. They argue, a good teeth brushing process should be done for at least 2 minutes.
Brushing teeth is not only useful for maintaining the cleanliness, but also oral and dental health. Rubbing the teeth is irregular and improper can cause bad breath, caries and periodontal disease (gum disease). In order to be effective brushing your teeth, you should follow some guidelines below:

Why do gums bleed easily?

Healthy gums are pink and hard. If the gums look inflamed, soft, dark red and bleed easily, there is a possibility you suffer from gingivitis. Gingivitis is gingival partners, namely the gums around the tooth root.
The cause of gingivitis is plaque, a colorless layer of bacteria and sticky on the teeth. When hardened, plaque turns into tartar, white entry will eventually become black. The formation of plaque and tartar can cause irritation of the gingiva so inflamed and easily bleeding gums.

5 Benefits Healthy Teeth

We'll often hear the suggestion to maintain good dental, ranging from brushing your teeth at least twice a day to check their teeth to the doctor every 6 months.
It is all aimed at creating a healthy tooth. Teeth is one of the most important vanguard owned our bodies, because all that goes into our teeth through the gut practically. That is why healthy teeth may decrease risk of experiencing a severe condition.